Restarting the Medication

Wellmedicated was a very short-lived project of mine that has been collecting dust for too many months now.  It was a grab-bag-anything-goes blog with no real subject at heart.  In just a few short months wellmedicated has joined the ever growing wasteland of abandoned blogs and forgotten websites – for this I am sorry.  In all of five blog posts I’ve built a tiny handful of loyal readers who are remarkably still subscribed and undoubtedly losing hope.  If you’re reading this, I probably mean you – yeah you.

So, thank you for sticking around.  The site has been revamped and is about to be relaunched in a big way.  Over the past few years my once hobby of making websites has grown into something of an obsession.  This recently led to me quitting my job and pursing web design full time as a freelancer (more of that to come later, I’m sure).

If all goes according to plan, wellmedicated will be a design resource where I can share my theories, thoughts and findings to eager readers around the globe.  I hope you’ll be one of ’em.

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Author's Profile

Yo, I'm Andrew Lindstrom. I am a freelance web designer based in Vancouver, Canada. When not geeking out over design, I'm likely geeking out over film, technology or pretending to play the guitar.

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