The Importance of a Little R&R

Now that the summer is officially coming to an end this would be the most inopportune time to mention the importance of taking a vacation… but I’m going do it anyway.

You hear it all the time: how a change of scenery can inspire or how relaxation will recharge you – I never bought into it.ย  But having just returned from a 12 day excursion to the West Kootenays in British Columbia I have to admit I’ve changed my tune.

I’ve always thought that if you love what you do then a vacation is rather unnecessary.ย  In fact, I was pretty sure I would be going though design withdrawals in no time, but that wasn’t the case.

Though I did find myself thinking about work a lot, it was in a creative and forward thinking light.ย  During my stay, I came up with a whole shwack of ideas for blog posts and a few new sketches for possible future web layouts.ย  I carried my moleskine with me every where I went and filled up more pages in it then I would in a month.

So if you doubt the powers that a little down time can provide, think twice.ย  A little R&R just may be your ticket to creativity and inspiration… and if not, well at least you had fun trying.

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Author's Profile

Yo, I'm Andrew Lindstrom. I am a freelance web designer based in Vancouver, Canada. When not geeking out over design, I'm likely geeking out over film, technology or pretending to play the guitar.

One Response to This Post. Leave Your Own.

  1. if I had doubts about taking my upcoming vacation, the doubts have vanished … thank u