Retro Up Your Images in 2 Minutes With Photoshop

This is a very simple little trick that I figured out by accident.  It is likely common knowledge, but I didn’t know about it and thought maybe there were more out there like me.

In this tutorial I’m using Photoshop CS3 (I’m sure older versions will do the trick as well) and very little Photoshop knowledge is required as it’s ridiculously easy.  So load up Photoshop already and lets get started.

Step 1

Open the your desired image in Photoshop.  For our example we’re using a free stock image which can be downloaded here.


Step 2

Right-click the image’s layer and select “Duplicate Layer” and name it “Black and White”.  Now duplicate the layer again, but this time name it “Color”.  You can now turn the original layer invisible by clicking the “eye icon” to the left (keep it around in case you need to start over).

Step 2

Step 3

Select the layer “Colors” and change the Opacity to 55%.  You can tweak it later if need-be.

Step 3

Step 4

Select the “Black and White” layer and from the top menu select Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.

Step 5

Select the “Black and White” layer and from the top menu select Image > Adjustments > Levels.  Make sure “Preview” is ticked in the bottom right corner.

Step 6

Under “Input Levels”, slide the far left and right sliders towards the center.  You want the sliders to be close together, but not too close.  For this example, I set the left slider to “78” and the right to “113”.  You’ll probably want to play around with the levels until they are just right and click “OK”.

Step 5

That’s it!  Ridiculously easy, right?  You can change the opacity of the “Colors” layer if you’re the tinkering type, but you are essentially done.

Now go forth trick out your [insert prevalant social network here] profile pics!

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Author's Profile

Yo, I'm Andrew Lindstrom. I am a freelance web designer based in Vancouver, Canada. When not geeking out over design, I'm likely geeking out over film, technology or pretending to play the guitar.

9 Responses to This Post. Leave Your Own.

  1. greatone thank you

  2. Neat! (c:


  3. […] 2 dakikada resimlerinizi eskitin (retro) […]

  4. […] 2 dakikada resimlerinizi eskitin (retro) […]

  5. cool tips, thx

  6. I also like to blur my edges a wee bit, and darken them if the steps you mentioned leave the edges lighter than I like…but, like you said, I’m the tinkering type… fabulous post 🙂

  7. Ok I was trying to find a way to make some of my pics look a bit retro but this is by far the best. Tried is worked thank you so much…. post some more tips…

  8. hey, where Can you download photoshop.
    but yknow, safely ;/

  9. […] 2 dakikada resimlerinizi eskitin (retro) […]